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Sunday, February 3, 2008
Northbridge - the "suspension" bridge

Another tram reservation lost
The tram reservation down to Balmoral Beach
Trams and buses in Randwick

The queue for Runway 25, 1975

Norton Street Leichhardt in 1975
Sydney Airport's "new" control tower

It's worth noting that the Cook's River was diverted to make more room for these runways at Sydney, originally emptying into Botany Bay on the other side of the north-south runway. The current runways themselves were settled upon only in the 1950s, earlier grass and gravel strips having a more north-east/south-west orientation. One strip was actually crossed by a railway line (later diverted to the north), a DC-3 famously colliding with a train and illustrating the obvious dangers in that arrangement...
Concorde visits Sydney, 1972

Metal tram poles
The tram to Bondi

Remember Amaroo Park?
Sydney used to have a multitude of car race circuits, speedways and the like. There was a speedway in the sandhills at Maroubra, and another near Penrith. There was a race circuit called Catalina Park at Katoomba and another called Amaroo Park at Kenthurst.
My list of Sydney's race tracks and circuits.
or checkout my list of Sydney and surrounding airstrips and airports.
Car racing,
Catalina Park,
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